

Sunday, September 24, 2006

89 x 55 cm.


Questo ultimo quadro , che è anche il più recente , ci da l'occasione di rinnovare l'invito ad esprimere i Vostri sentimenti , le Vostre curiosità e anche le Vostre critiche , in forma di commenti .

Marialuisa potrebbe benissimo suggerirVi una interpretazione , una " chiave di lettura " , per questo quadro e per la sua pittura in generale , ma , così facendo , annullerebbe tutta la Vostra partecipazione " attiva " e svilirebbe il Vostro ruolo di " Spettatori " : importantissimo , in quanto qualsiasi opera deve provocare una reazione quanto più possibile personale e soggettiva !!

Questo mezzo " interattivo " ci permette , oggigiorno , di portare il processo un poco più avanti e con una maggiore diffusione che in passato ...


Friday, September 22, 2006

93 x 68 cm


The purpose of this exercise is quite clear , in Marialuisa's mind : she paints what she feels , what she is attracted to .... and , then , she expects some " feed-back " from the public .

That's why she is publishing here this photo of her most recent work , where , obviously , horses seem to be the protagonists , in an apparently surreal environment .

If You asked her , she would , probably , explain all the details of this carefully intricate " vision " ; she could even give You the " key " to " open " it and feel what she felt ....

.... but , by doing so , we would defeat the original purpose of this Blog : to communicate and exchange experiences , which Marialuisa's works and the eyes ( .. and the words !! ) of the spectators should create together !!

Ideally , it would be up to the Visitors of this Blog , to comment and explain what Marialuisa , humbly , is only suggesting and presenting ..
That why comments are not only welcome but should be an integral part of this sharing experience ...

Friday, September 08, 2006


These two paintings , recently completed , which look so different from one another ... , actually have much in common !!

Marialuisa has taken , this time , the function and the meaning of a portrait much farther than in the past : The two sisters who have inspired the two canvasses , share , of course , common anatomical features , but , unmistakably , as any other individual on this planet , represent a very personal and intimate " world " , that - Marialuisa believes - it's a true Artist's duty to discover and interpret !!

So , without imposing her views , Marialuisa has tried to link to the two sisters' inner " landscapes " and , in these two paintings , she has focused on the identity of the subject , more than the exterior looks , that everybody can clearly see in a photograph or a meeting in person !!

Perhaps , Sofia and Niki , at this stage , might find some difficulties to recognize themselves or would argue that the image they'd like to project around , is not what they see now depicted by Marialuisa ... It is quite normal - the artist believes - that a " metaphysical " portrait won't match even our own expectations and might even confuse some " spectators "; but , she stresses , it is a powerful tool to abandon superficiality , start a new quest and discover what's hidden in front of our eyes !!

If the persons were what they look like ... probably , the mission of the Artist would be so limited to become just an other job !!