

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Watercolour A4

Monday, December 17, 2007

78 x 59 cm.
- Prendete la stessa sedia e , adesso , immaginate la mamma , che avreste voluto avere ....

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oils on canvas , 70 x 49 cm.
Prendere una sedia , metterla in mezzo a una stanza , sedersi " a cavalcioni " , immaginando che la stanza sia vuota ....

Monday, July 23, 2007

Olio su tela di lino , 68 x 89 cm.

" Quelle cose qui in basso , e , là fuori , in alto "

Quando un quadro è ricco di simbolismi e significati reconditi , generalmente ci si aspetta che l'artista ci offra una chiave di lettura o , perlomeno , qualche indicazione che ci aiuti a penetrare il mondo della sua opera , a comprenderne , in maniera idonea , tutta la sua complessità .
Certo , così , tutto apparirebbe più chiaro ed evidente ....
Marialuisa se ne rende conto , ma continua a voler esigere dai suoi spettatori uno sforzo profondo , una interpretazione personale vissuta e non da lei imposta !!
Però , non volendosi nascondere dietro una porta sprangata , in lei è nata l'idea di un compromesso : niente suggerimenti specifici , niente codici decifrati per Voi , ma , l'uso , per una delle rare volte , di un titolo che , se non definisce completamente il significato dell'opera , almeno indica una direzione .... e' una specie di mappa per districarvi in questo labirinto di rami ..... :
lasciatevi perdere là dentro , per poi ritrovarvi , " qui in basso e , là fuori in alto " .... !!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

PRAIA DA LUZ .......
....... Once upon a time , there was a fishing village , where all the people lived happily together ....

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Oils on canvas , 73 x 54 cm.
It is mainly when You lose something , that You realize its importance !!
Marialuisa , recently , has been experimenting great hardship : her private life has been denied the joy and tranquillity , which were an integral part of her artistic expression too ;
To explain the motivations which took her to create this painting , we could start from observing how two simple elements , pristine and fundamental for our life , can become symbols of values too often forgotten or polluted in these materialistic times ....
If You were surrounded by greedy people , individuals and institutions , which blatantly disrespect natural laws , destroy the environment , and infringe others' rights , for the mere purpose of making bigger profits and increasing their own power , You would certainly understand why Marialuisa has chosen a few drops of pure water and a few rays of clear light ...... as the inner protagonists of her latest work .
On a canvas , at least , she can restore the balance which is lost in the " real " world : she is taking her " revenge " against those enemies , who dared to try and cut off her water ... obscure her light !!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

81 x 60 cm.

EVERYTHING IS CHANGING ...... or is IT ???????????

A few days ago , worldwide , the International Day of the Woman was celebrated .

Strangely as it might appear , it did not come as a coincidence that Marialuisa gave the last touches to this painting on that very day !!

She has been attentively observing the evolution of the living conditions of this country , Portugal , in the last few years : the role of the Woman is gradually changing , becoming more assertive and , apparently more opportunities and freedom are there to be taken by all , without the discriminations and limitations which were common in the past ...

So a new role power still lies where it used to be and while women are allowed to accede to many important jobs and posts , are submitted to great pressures that , almost inevitably , become new chains ...

This new liberty for the Woman comes with strings attached and , often , limits her life much more dramatically than when she was confined to her bedroom and kitchen ....e for the Woman both in the family and at work seems to emerge , with the approval of the authorities and the general public ...

Marialuisa , though , is rather skeptical and this painting contains many

Friday, February 09, 2007

Oil on canvas : 76x55 cm.


Sooner or later , it happens to everybody ..... Things go wrong , places change dramatically , you find yourself out of the picture , crying , when they are all smiling , runnig while they stand still ...
It is when life needs a a brave change , when everything you have learnt and grown to love , loses its meaning and you are left alone , staring the emptiness around you !!
Probably , that's too much to be read in a single painting .... but all the clues are there , for those who can breathe in the atmosphere , hear the noises and freeze their eyes on that clock ...